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当前位置:问学网教学网英语教学初中英语初中英语句型初中英语句型:表示到某地度假的句型» 正文


[03-22 16:41:36]   来源:http://www.wenxue9.com  初中英语句型   阅读:8228

概要:关键句型一:表示"到某地度假"的句型1. I will spend this summer holiday / vacation in the countryside.【英式英语中说"holiday",美式英语中说"vacation".】2. I'm going to the countryside during the summer vacation.3. I will go to the countryside for vacation this summer.关键句型二:表达不足的句型1. There are still some shortcomings to living in the urban area.2. There are still some disadvantages to living in the city.3. There are still some problems to living in the urban area.4. Life in an urban ce


  1. I will spend this summer holiday / vacation in the countryside.


  2. I'm going to the countryside during the summer vacation.

  3. I will go to the countryside for vacation this summer.


  1. There are still some shortcomings to living in the urban area.

  2. There are still some disadvantages to living in the city.

  3. There are still some problems to living in the urban area.

  4. Life in an urban center brings its own set of problems.

  5. Life in the city is far from perfect.

  6. Urban life has it's downside.

  7. Life for city-dwellers is not all peaches and cream.

Tag:初中英语句型初中英语学习,初中英语教学英语教学 - 初中英语 - 初中英语句型

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