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[10-19 17:54:05]   来源:http://www.wenxue9.com  座右铭   阅读:8377

概要:● true love can inspire people, wake up sleeping with his inner strength and potential of the order. ●真正的爱情能够鼓舞人,唤醒他内心沉睡着的力量和潜藏着的才能。 ——薄伽丘 -- Giovanni Boccaccio ● love, your words are my food, your spirit is my Chunjiu. ●爱情,你的话是我的食粮,你的气息是我的醇酒。 ——歌德


● true love can inspire people, wake up sleeping with his inner strength and potential of the order.

                                                                             -- Giovanni Boccaccio
● love, your words are my food, your spirit is my Chunjiu.

                                                        -- Goethe
● love to the people longing to perfection into the territory.

                                      -- Dante
● people should forget that only love themselves and others, in order to quiet and happy and noble.

                                                                  -- Lev Tolstoy
● If doping love, and it has nothing to do its own calculations, it would not really love.
                                                                     -- Shakespeare
● love is real, is sustainable, we know the most is also the most bitter sweet things.


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