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关于愚人节作文 愚人愚事

[03-22 17:13:33]   来源:http://www.wenxue9.com  初中英语作文   阅读:8769

概要:April 1 in the morning, I still dream, ears were heard mom hasty voice: “baby, 7:30, will be late!” I “Hu Chi” once sat up, threw on his clothes, quickly wash gargle finished. Suddenly, I doubt up: my mom is not on today? During morning independent study Now, how she at 7 without more ado, fold the quilt yet? I'm wondering, is the mother's face the eerie smile to say to me: “ha ha, you ripped off, now just six more, I'm going to work after athe

关于愚人节作文 愚人愚事,标签:初中英语作文带翻译,初中英语作文网,http://www.wenxue9.com
  April 1 in the morning, I still dream, ears were heard mom hasty voice: “baby, 7:30, will be late!” I “Hu Chi” once sat up, threw on his clothes, quickly wash gargle finished. Suddenly, I doubt up: my mom is not on today? During morning independent study Now, how she at 7 without more ado, fold the quilt yet? I'm wondering, is the mother's face the eerie smile to say to me: “ha ha, you ripped off, now just six more, I'm going to work after ather. Happy April fool's day! You are Aprilfool!” Oh, today is April fool's day! Bad old mama beat me fool!

  Although my mom a foot high, but I civil zhangs, believe that I can find “revenge” old mama measures and opportunity.

  At noon, “revenge” old mama time finally mature. I took advantage of the nap when my mom, slipped her glasses to hide. Things just as I thought, old mama woke up with a fumbling around with narrow myopia for glasses. Watch time minute by minute past, glasses are like evaporated sight, as she has to turn to me this “real johnny-on-the-spot”. “Baby, help me find glasses, okay?” First, I pretended to ZhaoMang homework, ignored her. She see me unconcerned, then picked up ten dollars seduced me, I still unconcerned. The truth, this ten dollars to me is very attractive, but I dare not premature exposing the fox's tail. She saw that I still have no action, take out twenty yuan to me for help: “please, my little fathers, help me find it my glasses, I put twenty dollars for you!” Whoa, twenty yuan! I can't restrain heart with ecstasy, the trend of the eyepiece the glasses returned to her. Old mama immediately is suddenly enlighted, but already late, that twenty dollars into my clutches already!

  Ha-ha, funny! Today is really kill two birds with one stone, not only did I fooled old mama, also kill her twenty dollars and bought a I dream of beautiful pencilbox and five a delicate neutral pen. This April fool's day harvest a lot! Really
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