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[03-22 17:13:29]   来源:http://www.wenxue9.com  初中英语作文   阅读:8662

概要:Abby是美籍华人,最近常听到同学们提起清明节(Tomb Sweeping Day), 她对此非常感兴趣。作为她的朋友,请你以清明节为题,向Abby介绍清明节的一些活动,内容包括:1、时间:通常是每年的4月4 ~ 6号;2、清明节是我国传统节日,也是人们拜祭(扫墓)时;3、按照旧的习俗,人们要携带酒、食品、纸钱、花等物品到墓地。对墓地进行简单清理之后,人们将食物供祭在亲人墓前,再将香和纸钱焚化,然后叩头行礼祭拜;4、这是我们悼念先人,缅怀他们丰功伟绩的日子。参考词汇:墓cemetery 香incenseTomb Sweeping Day usually falls on April 4~6 every year. It's one of the Chinese traditional festivals, in which people offer sacrifices to their ancestors. According to the Chinese customs, people will bring along some food, wine,

  Abby是美籍华人,最近常听到同学们提起清明节(Tomb Sweeping Day), 她对此非常感兴趣。作为她的朋友,请你以清明节为题,向Abby介绍清明节的一些活动,内容包括:

  1、时间:通常是每年的4月4 ~ 6号;




  参考词汇:墓cemetery 香incense

  Tomb Sweeping Day usually falls on April 4~6 every year. It's one of the Chinese traditional festivals, in which people offer sacrifices to their ancestors. According to the Chinese customs, people will bring along some food, wine, paper money, and some flowers to the cemetery of their ancestors. After slightly sweeping the tombs, people offer food, then burn the incense and paper money, and bow before the memorial tablet. It's in this special day that people mourn over their ancestors and remember their great contribution to the development of our society.
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