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英语阅读文章 爱是一片叶子

[03-22 21:34:58]   来源:http://www.wenxue9.com  英语阅读材料   阅读:8404

概要:即使是身处严冬,在她心中,也都春意浓浓。爱人,会从爱的角度来解释它所面对的一切。In the severe cold of winter, her heart is filled with warmth. Lovers see everything through the perspectives of love.倘若失恋,多好的春天,也会黯淡无光。When out of love, the most pleasant spring will lose its luster.初春的时候,她浑身绿茸茸的,又脆又嫩。倘谁一不小心,就会把她揉皱,捻出裂纹。Mossy green envelops her in the early spring, crispy and soft. A less careful caress may make it crinkle or crack.一到夏天,她就有如大海里的扁舟。有的沉沦,有的坚强……When summer arrives, she becomes boats in the sea. Some g

英语阅读文章 爱是一片叶子,标签:英语阅读文章,英语阅读网,http://www.wenxue9.com

  In the severe cold of winter, her heart is filled with warmth. Lovers see everything through the perspectives of love.


  When out of love, the most pleasant spring will lose its luster.


  Mossy green envelops her in the early spring, crispy and soft. A less careful caress may make it crinkle or crack.


  When summer arrives, she becomes boats in the sea. Some go down, and some stay on top……


  In autumn, her love is fervent, and becoming mature...
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