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高中英语词汇练习题 单词填空

[03-22 20:59:09]   来源:http://www.wenxue9.com  高中英语词汇   阅读:8466

概要:To my a______(吃惊)and anger, I found her lying to me.Not all the people know the importance of controlling the g______(增长)of population.Some students find it difficult to remember the changes of the i______(不规则)verbsThey re planning a grand c______(庆祝活动)on Teacher’s Day.He stopped his car to m______(确保)sure whether something had gone wrongBamboo is light because of its h______(空 ) stem..After his e______(解释),I came to know why he was late for class.Can you i______(想象)they have bee

高中英语词汇练习题 单词填空,标签:高中英语词汇表,高中英语词汇教学,http://www.wenxue9.com
  To my a______(吃惊)and anger, I found her lying to me.

  Not all the people know the importance of controlling the g______(增长)of population.

  Some students find it difficult to remember the changes of the i______(不规则)verbs

  They re planning a grand c______(庆祝活动)on Teacher’s Day.

  He stopped his car to m______(确保)sure whether something had gone wrong

  Bamboo is light because of its h______(空 ) stem..

  After his e______(解释),I came to know why he was late for class.

  Can you i______(想象)they have been married for 60 years?

  Wood is becoming s______(紧缺)in the country and a new material must be found to replace it.

  Germany, France , England and so on are E______(欧洲)countries.

  T______ is the third day of the week.

  It’s going to rain. You’d better take an u______ with you.

  He never tells lies; he is an h______ boy.

  English is her mother t______.

  Don’t tie the two piles of wood together, tie them up s______.

  I like both c______ and physics.

  Please give him a m______ to say that I will be late.

  Quality is more important than q______.

  The government a______ that they would go to war against the enemy.

  The tailor m______ Harry for a new jacket yesterday.

Tag:高中英语词汇高中英语词汇表,高中英语词汇教学英语教学 - 高中英语 - 高中英语词汇

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