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高中英语词汇短语 从礼品到天赋的gift

[03-22 20:58:21]   来源:http://www.wenxue9.com  高中英语词汇   阅读:8615

概要:[例句秀]She has got lots of birthday gifts. 她得到了许多生日礼物。He is a man of gifts. 他是个多才多艺的人。The boy has a gift for music. 这男孩有音乐天赋。At five dollars, it is a gift!只卖五美元,那真是便宜!I decided to gift her with flowers from my garden.我决定从花园里摘些花赠送给她。He was gifted with a good voice. 他天生一副好嗓子。He is a gifted athlete. 他是个有天赋的运动员。[帮你归纳]gift为可数名词,既可指“礼品”,相当于present;也可指“天赋;才能”,这时常接for (doing) sth. 短语,相当于talent (talent 也可作不可数名词用); 在英国英语口语中,gift还可以表示“极便宜的东西;极容易做的事”(总用作单数形式)。gift

高中英语词汇短语 从礼品到天赋的gift,标签:高中英语词汇表,高中英语词汇教学,http://www.wenxue9.com
She has got lots of birthday gifts.
He is a man of gifts. 他是个多才多艺的人。
The boy has a gift for music. 这男孩有音乐天赋。
At five dollars, it is a gift!只卖五美元,那真是便宜!
I decided to gift her with flowers from my garden.
He was gifted with a good voice. 他天生一副好嗓子。
He is a gifted athlete. 他是个有天赋的运动员。
gift为可数名词,既可指“礼品”,相当于present;也可指“天赋;才能”,这时常接for (doing) sth. 短语,相当于talent (talent 也可作不可数名词用); 在英国英语口语中,gift还可以表示“极便宜的东西;极容易做的事”(总用作单数形式)。gift还可用作动词,既可用在口语中,表示“向……赠送”,常接 with sth.;也可表示“赋予”,也接with短语。形容词gifted,表示“有天资的;有天赋的”,相当于talented。
1. There are several ______ shops in the hotel. They have jewelry and souvenirs.

2. What will you ______ her for her birthday?
3. He ranks as one of the most ______ artists of all time.
4. ______ with a high voice, he became the Opera’s leading singer.
5. The last question in my exam paper was a ______.
1. gift / present 2. gift / give / present 3. gifted / talented 4. Gifted / Born 5. gift / very easy one
1. gift / present 2. gift / give / present 3. gifted / talented 4. Gifted / Born 5. gift / very easy one
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