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英语美文 信念的力量

[03-22 17:57:14]   来源:http://www.wenxue9.com  英语美文欣赏   阅读:8498

概要: 信心之所以有着不可思议的强大力量,因为它们对我们的生命就像方向舵对轮船一样,控制着我们的方向和命运。我们并不总是像自己表白的那样去生活,而是一直都生活在我们的信念里。简单地说,如果我相信我是一个失败者,我就注定会是一个失败者。如果我相信我会成功,我就会成功。Born in 1758, Horatio nelson, the son of a pastor, was a small, frail1 child who loved sailing. As a young teenager he joined the British Navy and, while journeying to the East Indies, caught a fever that seriously damaged his health. But he never allowed this to hold him back. At age 18, he was appointed a lieutenant2 in the Royal Navy and by the year

英语美文 信念的力量,标签:英语美文摘抄,晨读英语美文100篇,http://www.wenxue9.com

  Born in 1758, Horatio nelson, the son of a pastor, was a small, frail1 child who loved sailing. As a young teenager he joined the British Navy and, while journeying to the East Indies, caught a fever that seriously damaged his health. But he never allowed this to hold him back. At age 18, he was appointed a lieutenant2 in the Royal Navy and by the year 1802 was made commander-in-chief.
  Two years later, at the battle of Trafalgar, Nelson defeated the combined3 French and Spanish fleets4. This was the greatest naval victory in British history and left British in control of the seas for the rest of the 1800's. Unfortunately, Nelson was mortally injured but lived long enough to know that his fleet had won the battle. His last words were, "Thank God I have done my duty."
  Nelson was a man of fearless courage and devotion. He believed in his country, in his cause, and in himself. He once said, "I am of the opinion5 that the boldest measures are the safest." Nelson was a man greatly admired by others who said about him, "His frail body housed6 a great spirit."
  One person with a belief is equal to a force of 99 who only have interest.
  Beliefs are remarkably powerful in that they are to our lives what a rudder7 is to a ship. That is, they control the direction and destiny of our lives. While we don't always live the life we profess8, we always live the life we believe. Simply put, if I believe I am a failure, I will set myself up to fail. If I believe I am a successful person, I will succeed, and so on.
  One very successful woman, a well-known entertainer, didn't have much going for her. She would never win a beauty contest and at age 38 was living on welfare. After reading Claude Briston's The Magic of Believing and beginning to believe in herself, her life took a dramatic turn. One gift she had was the ability to make people laugh. Once she believed this, she didn't allow what she didn't have to stop her using what she did have.
  Jimmie Durante was another entertainer who wouldn't have made a fortune with his looks. But he capitalized on9 his weakness and turned it into one of his great strengths -- what he did have -- and put these to good use because he believed he could.
  ①frail adj.脆(薄、虚)弱的,不坚固的,易碎的
  ②lieutenant n.(英)陆军中尉,海军陆战队上尉
  ③combine vt.使联合(结合)
  ④fleet n.舰队
  ⑤of the opinion 持有……的看法
  ⑥house vt.容纳
  ⑦rudder n.(船等的)舵;(航空)方向舵;指针
  ⑧profess vt.声称,承认,明言,宣布
  ⑨capitalize on利用

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