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[03-22 16:53:13]   来源:http://www.wenxue9.com  英语完形填空   阅读:8839

概要:根据短文内容填入适当的单词,使短文的意思完整,每空限填写一个英语单词。Eldon House,Windrush Road,Brighton,East Sussex BN2 6AE30, 9, 99Dear Katia,I am back in Brighton now after a great holiday with Rosie in Dublin. I really enjoyed (1) .We traveled by train (2) boat. I hated the boat journey. I tired to sleep, but it was very difficult. We were (3) very tired when we arrived, but her parents were wonderful. We stayed with (4) for two weeks and they cooked lovely (5) for us. I practised my English all the time.We visited


Eldon House,

Windrush Road,


East Sussex BN2 6AE

30, 9, 99

Dear Katia,

I am back in Brighton now after a great holiday with Rosie in Dublin. I really enjoyed (1) .

We traveled by train (2) boat. I hated the boat journey. I tired to sleep, but it was very difficult. We were (3) very tired when we arrived, but her parents were wonderful. We stayed with (4) for two weeks and they cooked lovely (5) for us. I practised my English all the time.

We visited Rosie's friends and also (6) of Dublin's beautiful buildings. The old building was closed, (7) we didn't go in. We just looked at it outside. I liked the university(大学) very much. What a great (8) to be a student in! I also loved the pubs(俱乐部), (9) their music and friendly atmosphere(气氛). The weather was bad, it was very wet, but everything (10) was wonderful.

See you when you come back to Brighton.

Love, Maria

[评析]:本题属于自由填空题。它将短文中的若干个词抽出后,不给任何提示,要求根据短文的意思,在每个空格中填上一个词,使短文意思完整。这类试题可以由考生自由选择确定所填的词,只要所填的词在词义上能使短文意思顺理成章,语法结构正确无误,允许有多个正确的答案。但考生由于没有参考的提示,往往不容易理清思路,所以它是完形填空试题中最难的一种。首先考生要克服畏难情绪,稳定下来先将短文细读几遍,直到读懂为止。本文是玛丽娅写给凯特尔的一封信。信中凡是大写开头的单词都是有关人名和地址,不必太在意,既使看不懂,根据上、下文猜测大意即可。信中主要谈及玛丽娅已经从都伯林返回不来顿,她谈了在都伯林的种种见闻及旅途上的感觉。把握全文大意后,考生可以根据全文大意及各段落的中心,利用上、下文的语境,再结合所学过的知识,对每个空白处进行判定。先确定每空所填词的词义,再判断定其词形。动笔时先做容易、有把握的,再集中精力解决较难的。比如第一段信中玛利娅先告知凯特尔她已返回不来顿,她对这次旅行感到很愉快。根据这段内容结合I really enjoyed…的句式,可以确定第一空该填it,用以指代上文的“a great holiday”。第二段主要讲述旅行的经过,她们是乘火车和轮船旅行的,所以第二空应填and。下面第3、4、5空相对比较容易,分别填both, them和meals。第三段主要讲述她们在都伯林的拜访和参观,感到除天气不好以外,其他的一切都好极了。根据文中所叙述的内容可以逐空尝试填入 some, so, place, with和else。填上所有的空格后,再将全文细读一遍,对每空进行检验,凡有疑问的必须重新推敲考虑。
Tag:英语完形填空英语完形填空练习题,英语完形填空及答案英语教学 - 初中英语 - 英语完形填空

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