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初三英语专题讲解 词汇辨析(二)

[03-22 16:13:58]   来源:http://www.wenxue9.com  初中英语词汇   阅读:8495

概要:【名师讲解】1. be able to/ can(1) 都能表示“能够,具备干某件事的能力”这个含义,此时可以互换。Mr. Green is able to finish the work on time.= Mr. Green can finish the work on time.格林先生能够按时完成这项工作。(2) be able to可以用于各种时态,而can 为情态动词,多用于现在时,其过去式为could。We are sure he will be able to be an artist when he grows up.我们相信他长大后能够成为一名画家。Miss Lin has been able to pay the car by herself.林小姐已经能够自己负担那辆车了。(4) Can除了表示“能够,有能力做某事”以外,还有如下用法,而be able to 则没有。表示请求,但语气没有could委婉Can I have a look at this picture? 我能看看这张图片吗?Can

初三英语专题讲解 词汇辨析(二),标签:英语词汇学,初中英语单词,http://www.wenxue9.com
  1. be able to/ can
  (1) 都能表示“能够,具备干某件事的能力”这个含义,此时可以互换。
  Mr. Green is able to finish the work on time.
  = Mr. Green can finish the work on time.
  (2) be able to可以用于各种时态,而can 为情态动词,多用于现在时,其过去式为could。
  We are sure he will be able to be an artist when he grows up.
  Miss Lin has been able to pay the car by herself.
  (4) Can除了表示“能够,有能力做某事”以外,还有如下用法,而be able to 则没有。表示请求,但语
  Can I have a look at this picture? 我能看看这张图片吗?
  Can we leave school after 6:00 p.m. ?我们可以在下午6点之后再离开学校吗?
  That man can’t be our new teacher. 那人不可能是我们的新老师。
  The exam can’t be too difficult.考试不会太难。
  2. bring/ take/carry/fetch
  (1) bring一般是指拿来,即从别处往说话人这里拿,翻译成“带来”。
  He brought us some good news.他给我们带来了一些好消息。
  Please don’t forget to bring your homework tomorrow.
  (2) take一般是指从说话人这里往别处拿,翻译成“带走”。
  Please take the umbrella with you. It’s going to rain.要下雨了,请把伞带上。
  She took the dictionary away.她把字典拿走了。
  (3) carry不强调方向,表示“携带、背着、运送、搬扛”等意思。
  They carried the boxes into the factory. 他们把箱子搬进了工厂。
  A taxi carried them to the station. 出租车送他们到了车站
  (4) fetch表示的是“去取来、去拿来、去叫来”等意思,包含去和来两趟。
  The waiter fetched them some apples.侍者为他们取来了一些苹果。
  Mother fetched the doctor for her ill son.妈妈为生病的儿子请来了医生。
  3. whole/ all
  (1) whole强调一个完整如一,互不分割的整体。
  The whole country is suffering the war. 整个国家正遭遇战争。
  I just want to know the whole story.我仅仅只想知道完整的故事。
  They will spend their whole holiday in Canada.
  She has finished writing the whole book. 她已经写完了整本书。(冠词后
  He ate the whole cake. 他把整个蛋糕都吃了。(强调整整一个蛋糕)
  (2) all强调由一个个部分组成的“全部”。
  Miss Green knew all the students in the class.
  Jim finished all his homework in twenty minutes.
  Of all the boys here, he sings best.在这里所有的男孩之中,他唱的最好。(定冠词前)
  The boy can answer all these questions.那个男孩能够回答所有的这些问题。(指示代词前)
  All these five books are mine.这五本书都是我的。(修饰可数名词)
  She was worried about her son all the time.她总在为她的儿子担心。(修饰不可数名词)
  4. fill/ full
  (1) fill常作动词,与with连用,意思是“注满、装满”,也能表示“填空;补缺”的意思。
  He filled the box with chalk.他把粉笔装满了盒子。
  The bucket is filled with water.水桶里装满了水。
  (2) full是形容词,翻译成“满的,装满的”,常与of连用。此外还能表示“完全的”和“吃饱的,过饱的”。
  All the rooms are full of people.所有的房间都满人了。
  The bus was full. He had to wait for the next one.这辆车人满了,他只有等下一辆。
  5. be made of/ be made from/ be made in/ be made into
  (1) be made of表示"由…制成", 一般指能够看出原材料,或发生的是物理变化。
  This table cloth is made of paper.这张桌布是由纸做的。
  This salad is made of apples and strawberries.这种沙拉是由苹果和草莓做的。
  (2) be made from也表示"由…制成",但一般指看不出原材料,或发生的是化学变化。
  Bread is made from corn.面包是小麦做的。
  The lifeboat is made from some special material.这个救生艇是由某种特殊材料制成的。
  (3) be made in指的是产地,意思为"于…制造"。
  The caps are made in Russia.这些帽子产于俄罗斯。
  My mother likes to buy things which are made in China.
  (4) be made into的意思为"被制成为…"。
  This piece of wood will be made into a small bench. 这块木头将要被制成一个小凳。
  The paper has been made into clothes for the doll. 纸被做成了洋娃娃的衣服。

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