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小学英语词汇趣谈 hold the bag背黑锅

[03-21 16:44:13]   来源:http://www.wenxue9.com  单词学习   阅读:8577

概要:hold the bag背黑锅 Although the four of them robbed the bank with joined efforts, it was Joe who had been left holding the bag. Dialogue:Martha: Do you know what’s happened to Frank?Nancy: Not an inkling. What’s happened?Martha: He was caught stealing a file from a company.Nancy: Sorry to hear that. He should have mended his steps(注意自己的言行).Martha: But the job was engineered by someone else.Nancy: Did that someone else stand up?Martha: Nobody likes to face the music(面对惩罚), of c

小学英语词汇趣谈 hold the bag背黑锅,标签:英语单词,儿童英语单词,http://www.wenxue9.com
hold the bag背黑锅
Although the four of them robbed the bank with joined efforts, it was Joe who had been left holding the bag.


Martha: Do you know what’s happened to Frank?

Nancy: Not an inkling. What’s happened?

Martha: He was caught stealing a file from a company.

Nancy: Sorry to hear that. He should have mended his steps(注意自己的言行).

Martha: But the job was engineered by someone else.

Nancy: Did that someone else stand up?

Martha: Nobody likes to face the music(面对惩罚), of course.

Nancy: So it was Frank who was left holding the bag?

Martha: yeah.
Tag:单词学习英语单词,儿童英语单词英语教学 - 小学英语 - 单词学习

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