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小学五年级英语阅读材料 狗狗Clifford

[03-21 16:27:07]   来源:http://www.wenxue9.com  英语阅读   阅读:8415

概要:小学五年级英语阅读 狗狗Clifford一天,Emily在公园里为自己亲爱的狗狗Clifford画画像,就在快要画完的时候突然出了状况,究竟发生了什么事情呢?Clifford又去干什么了呢?1. One day, I am painting a picture of Clifford in the park.一天,我正在公园里画一幅Clifford的画像。2. I am almost finished when the wind blows my painting up and away! Clifford runs after it.就在我快要画完的时候突然一阵风把我的画吹跑了!Clifford追了过去。3. But he doesn't see Mr Bleakman, who is feeding some squirrels.但是他没看到正在喂松鼠们的Bleakman先生。4. The painting is flying toward Sheriff Lewis. Clifford follows it.那幅画正飞向Lewis警长。Clifford

小学五年级英语阅读材料 狗狗Clifford,标签:小学英语阅读100篇,小学英语阅读课教案,http://www.wenxue9.com
  小学五年级英语阅读 狗狗Clifford


  1. One day, I am painting a picture of Clifford in the park.


  2. I am almost finished when the wind blows my painting up and away! Clifford runs after it.


  3. But he doesn't see Mr Bleakman, who is feeding some squirrels.


  4. The painting is flying toward Sheriff Lewis. Clifford follows it.


  5. Sheriff Lewis is eating a yummy cake. But when Clifford goes running through, T-bone gets to taste some, too!


  6. When my painting flies toward the playground, Clifford finally gets it! He is so excited that he doesn't see Jetta.

  当我的画飞向操场时,Clifford终于抓到它了!他如此 激动以至于都没看见Jetta。

  7. Again, Clifford is very sorry.


  8. Everyone else is mad! Clifford doesn't mean to cause trouble. He just wants to get my painting for me. Thank you, Clifford!

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