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crying in my sleep 歌词

[12-16 14:19:21]   来源:http://www.wenxue9.com  歌曲大全   阅读:8742

概要:crying in my sleepi took a walk around the yard i dug the flowers till it got too hard smoked my first pack of cigarettes today then i, i went down, down to lucy's old cafe i put a half a case away took a sleeping pill and i tried to watch tv but you know baby, the leading lady looked too much like you for the likes of me and i woke up crying in my sleep i was talking to your pillow and i reached out to touch your hand i knocked the phone off the night stand and the operator said,&

crying in my sleep 歌词,标签:草原歌曲大全,流行歌曲大全,http://www.wenxue9.com
crying in my sleep
i took a walk around the yard i dug the flowers till it got too hard smoked my first pack of cigarettes today then i, i went down, down to lucy's old cafe i put a half a case away took a sleeping pill and i tried to watch tv but you know baby, the leading lady looked too much like you for the likes of me and i woke up crying in my sleep i was talking to your pillow and i reached out to touch your hand i knocked the phone off the night stand and the operator said," can i help you please?" and i said " no thanks baby, tonight there ain't no help for me." you see i just had a bad dream that's all that's wrong with me went out to loosen up the car somehow i wound up at the rainbow bar i had a scotch and soda on the run but didn't get too far then i, i ran down, down some friends i used to know i dragged them out to see the show i ran myself a bath and i tried to read your book but you know baby,this time it just didn't seem worth all the time it look

crying in my sleep的延伸阅读——周华健的个人资料
本名:周华健  艺名:周华健  英文名:EMIL CHAU  出生地点:香港  生日:12月22日  本籍:广东省潮阳县  血型:B型  星座:非常典型的人马座  身高:174CM  体重 : 74KG  出道时间:1986年  嗜好:数之不尽  最讨厌的事:没有  最难忘的事:结婚  喜爱的运动:跑步、游泳  喜爱的演员:DUSTIN HOFMAN、周润发、张艾嘉  喜爱的歌手:齐秦、齐豫、潘越云、AND SO ON .......  喜爱的食物:鸡肉、沙拉、水

        crying in my sleep

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